Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Film Analysis Post

Movies have become a regular part of our everyday lives. Whether it be seeing a movie at a theater, watching a movie on television, or seeing a preview for an upcoming film, movies have changed the way society thinks. Beginning in the late 1800s, movies began to transform our nation, and have since had major effects on the job market and made key technological advances.
            Eadweard Muybridge was the first to produce motion picture in film in 1877. In the film, Muybridge used 12 cameras to capture a horse’s movements as it ran along a track. Although Muybridge’s film was played without sound, movies began to use background music and words on the screen to convey the message of the film. Forty years after Muybridge’s film, the first motion picture with sound was produced. Since then, the movie industry has made leaps and bounds as a major mass medium. Although severely effected by the television industry in the 1950s, film has remained a significant industry. In 1966, the Motion Picture Association of America introduced its rating system; the same rating system we use for movies today.
            With the advancement of the movie industry, the job market in film production has increased tremendously. Although actors and actresses have the most visible roles in movies, several other individuals work behind the scenes in the film industry. These positions include screenwriters, producers, directors, production agents, and marketing and administration agents. Although these positions are the most well-known, several other positions such as make-up artists, boom operators, extras, and cameramen all play pivotal roles in determining a movie’s success.
            Film has made significant advances in technology since its initial inception in the 1800s. First, the introduction of high definition televisions and 3-D projections has effected the way viewers watch television.  Although created in the 1950s, 3-D has picked up steam in recent years, becoming a regular part of popular movies, such as the recently released film Avatar. Additionally, high definition televisions and widescreen televisions have changed the makeup of cameras and the way programs are shown on television. Perhaps the most significant change in recent year is the ability to watch movies on internet databases, such as Netflix. With this growing industry of movie viewing online, travelling to movie theaters is becoming increasingly less common.
            It is evident that the movie industry has evolved tremendously since its inception in the 1800s. Since then, the industry has involved in a number of ways. Film has established itself as a major mass medium, created numerous jobs, and made significant technological advances. With such significant advances having already taken place, the industry is likely to continue to evolve in the future.  

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