Saturday, April 2, 2011

Print Response Post

      The print journalism group did an excellent job presenting both newspapers and magazines as a form of mass media. They began their presentation with discussion on the history of the print industry and the technological advances the industry has made. Specifically, they discussed the Partisan Press and the first printing machines. Next, the group focused on the changes over time between older newspapers and modern newspapers. They pointed out differences in layout, color, and pictures between the two examples. The group also dedicated a significant amount of time to the creation of a successful news story. In order to be a good news story, the story must be clear, precise, modest, and efficient. News worthy stories have an impact on people, are timely, prominent, close in proximity to the reader, present conflict, are bizarre, or involve money or currency. Many news stories that are written follow the inverted pyramid method, with the most important information being presented in the first and second paragraphs. The group also presented magazines in their presentation and discussed the different types of magazines, as well as how the magazine industry has evolved. Perhaps the most interesting part of the presentation was near the conclusion. The group presented articles and opinions that predicted the future of the print journalism industry. Although mostly considered to be a dying industry, the authors argued in their writings that journalism will never die but instead will only modernize and reform. Overall, the group did an adequate job of presenting the history, details, modernization, and future of print journalism. 

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